2013년 4월 22일 월요일

FSUTIL 명령어 살펴보기

http://ss64.com/nt/fsutil.html 에서 긁어 왔습니다.
File and Volume specific commands, Hardlink management, Quota management, USN, Sparse file, Object ID and Reparse point management
Create a hardlink
    FSUTIL hardlink create new_filename existing_filename
    Eg : fsutil hardlink create c:\foo.txt c:\bar.txt
Create a new file of a specific size
    FSUTIL file createnew filename
    Eg : fsutil file createnew C:\testfile.txt 1000
Set the short NTFS filename for a file
    FSUTIL file setshortname filename shortname
    Eg : fsutil file setshortname C:\testfile.txt tes1.txt
Set the valid data length for a file
    FSUTIL file setvaliddata filename datalength
    Eg : fsutil file setvaliddata C:\testfile.txt 4096
Set the zero data for a file
    FSUTIL file setzerodata offset=val length=val filename
    offset : File offset, the start of the range to set to zeroes
    length : Byte length of the zeroed range
        Eg : fsutil file setzerodata offset=100 length=150 C:\Temp\sample.txt
List all drives (including mapped and Subst drives)
    FSUTIL fsinfo drives
Query drive type for a drive
    FSUTIL fsinfo drivetype volume pathname
    Eg : fsutil fsinfo drivetype C:
    ListLocalDrives.cmd - List all drives on the local computer
Query volume information
    FSUTIL fsinfo volumeinfo volume pathname
    Eg : fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo C:\
Query NTFS specific volume information
    FSUTIL fsinfo ntfsinfo volume pathname
    Eg : fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo C:
Query file system statistics
    FSUTIL fsinfo statistics volume pathname
    Eg : fsutil fsinfo statistics C:
QUOTA Management
    FSUTIL quota {query|disable|track|enforce } C:
    FSUTIL quota violations
    FSUTIL quota modify volume_pathname threshold limit user

    Eg : fsutil quota modify c: 3000 5000 domain\user
Find a file by user name (if Disk Quotas are enabled)
    FSUTIL file findbysid user directory

    Eg : fsutil file findbysid scottb C:\users
File system options:
    FSUTIL behavior query option

    FSUTIL behavior set option

      Where option is one of:
       allowextchar {0|1}       Allow extended characters in filenames
       disablelastaccess {0|1}  Don’t generate last-access times
       quotanotify NumSeconds   Log quota violations, default=3600 seconds
       mftzone {1|2|3|4}        Set MFT Zone, multiple of 200MB
       Bugcheckoncorrupt {0|1}  Enable bugcheck  #
       disablecompression {0|1} Disable compression #
       disableencryption {0|1}  Disable encryption  #
       encryppagingfile {0|1}
       memoryusage {1|2}           Paged-pool memory cache, 1=default #
       symlinkevaluation L2L:{0|1}    Local to local symbolic links #
       symlinkevaluation L2R:{0|1}    Local to remote symbolic links #
       symlinkevaluation R2R:{0|1}    Remote to local symbolic links #
       symlinkevaluation R2L:{0|1}    Remote to remote symbolic links #
       DisableDeleteNotify {0|1}      Delete notifications for all volumes#
       disable8dot3 [volumePath] sfnNum
          sfnNum is between 0 and 3 
           0 = Create short file names (default).
           1 = don’t create short file names. 
           2 = Set 8.3 names on a per volume basis.
           3 = Disable 8.3 names on all volumes except the system volume.

1 = enable option
0 = Disable option
# = Windows7/2008 option

    Eg :  FSUTIL behavior query disable8dot3 
          FSUTIL behavior set disablelastaccess 1

    FSUTIL dirty query volume pathname

    FSUTIL dirty set volume pathname

    Marking a disk as dirty will prompt a Chkdsk at next boot
    Eg :  FSUTIL dirty query C:
Query a reparse point
    FSUTIL reparsepoint query filename

    Eg : fsutil reparsepoint query C:\Server
Delete a reparse point
    FSUTIL reparsepoint delete filename

    Eg : fsutil reparsepoint delete C:\Server
Edit an object identifier
    FSUTIL objectid {query | set | delete | create}
Set sparse file properties
    FSUTIL sparse queryflag filename
    FSUTIL sparse setflag filename

    FSUTIL sparse queryrange filename
    FSUTIL sparse setrange filename
    Eg : fsutil sparse queryflag "C:\My Test.txt"
Query the allocated ranges for a file
    FSUTIL file queryallocranges offset=val length=val filename

    offset : File Offset, the start of the range to query
    length : Size, in bytes, of the range

    Eg : fsutil file queryallocranges offset=1024 length=64 C:\Temp\sample.txt
To run FSUTIL, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group.

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