2021년 7월 23일 금요일

패러럴즈 네트워크 초기화 에러 대처법

Parallels 16: Network initialization failed.

Try this if you Parallels 16’s network not working on BigSur

1. sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml
2. find <UseKextless>1</UseKextless> (value can be -1), and change the value to the <UseKextless>0</UseKextless>
3. if you can’t to find this tag, then just create it under root tag <ParallelsNetworkConfig …>here</ParallelsNetworkConfig>

Result: you can start/restart Parallels without sudo – network will work.

주의할 것은 ~/Library 가 아니고 root   /Library 임에 주의!

이것을 알기전까지는 root로 로그인하여 실행하거나

sudo -b /Applications/Parallels\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/prl_client_app 으로 실행함.

https://policeman0077.wordpress.com/2021/01/10/parallels-16-network-initialization-failed 에서가져옴.

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