2016년 1월 15일 금요일

Popup Menu Font 바꾸기

PopUpMenu1.OwnerDwar := True; 를 먼저 하고,
Screen.MenuFont.Name := frmStudyLaw2.Font.Name;
Screen.MenuFont.Size:= 11;   // frmStudyLaw2.Font.Size;
Screen.CaptionFont:= frmStudyLaw2.Font;
만약 폰트가 영역을 넘치면
So assign a handler for OnMeasureItem of the items of the popup menu either at design time, or at run time:
for i := 0 to puMain.Items.Count - 1 do
  puMain.Items[i].OnMeasureItem := PopupMeasureItem;
where PopupMeasureItem can be as simple as
procedure TMyForm.PopupMeasureItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas;
  var Width,   Height: Integer); 
  Height := ACanvas.TextHeight('.') + 2;
or you can determine the necessary height as the user selects from the list to save calling TextHeight each time an item is to be drawn.

tensorflow gpu 사용하기에서

 tensorflow 설치시 주의해야 한다. # Anything above 2.10 is not supported on the GPU on Windows Native python - m pip install "tensorflow<2.11...